Monday, December 27, 2021


Somehow People have been Conditioned to look upon Failure As Being A Terrible Thing. Well, I have found that FAILURE Can Induce Success.Furthermore, Napoleon Hill has said, within every failure is the seed of a greater benefit (success). So Let’s take a look at the following Example . A Woman’s Failure At producing a solution that would be strong as super-glue, led to the discovery of a product known as “ sticky notes “ WHICH "MADE HER A FORTUNE" and are used in schools and business offices everywhere!So the next time you experience what people call a Failure, immediately look for the seed of a greater benefit (success).

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


* WHAT YOU CLAIM? What you claim is what you ask someone to know what set they rep or what side of Town they Identify With the Most. CLAIM A SET. - Rep yo hood, give your neighboorhood's hand symbol "if you claim a SET, throw it up"( throw Up a sign ; put your hands in the air!" ). Hello Everyone! Have Y'all ever been asked the question," WHAT SET DO YOU CLAIM?" Well, When I was growing up, People would often ask you where you were from. Of Course Meaning , They wanted to know what Side of Town that you lived on. Since I stayedI on the South-Side of Monroe,Louisiana, I would say,” SOUTH-SIDE!” Well,nowadays,I hear people ask,"What Set Do You Claim ; and then I see people making all sorts of gestures/signs with their hannds. All that made me think to myself, "What If People Were to "CLAIM BETTER LIVES" for themslves " Like They Claim A Side of Town? I mean, What If they could CLAIM the Better Things in Life[ before they actually obtained them in the physical ]. I know that it's a stretch for most people, seeing that most of them were taught to believe that doing such is lying to yourself.I use to feel that way to,until I found out that it actually works!

Sunday, November 7, 2021


As We Are about to closeout 2021, BLACKPEOPLE Must RETHINK And REFLECT On Why We Have Progressed So Little Since The Assassinations of Malcolm X, Pio Pinto, and Martin Luther King Jr. Also, WE Must Address The LINGERING QUESTION,"If Not Now...When Will BLACKPEOPLE Come Together and "REBUILD OUR BLACK COMMUNITIES?"

Sunday, September 19, 2021


HELLO TRIBE, Let’s Do A Simple Exercise. Ok, take a close look at your right index finger. You do know that “NO-ONE-ELSE “ has the same fingerprint as you do? That’s “ THE AMAZING POWER OF YOUR INDIVIDUALITY!” Next, take the same finger and point it at Your Temple( of the right side of your head). Think about Your Thoughts, Your VISIONS, Your Ideas. Again, That’s “ THE AMAZING POWER OF YOUR INDIVIDUALITY!” Now, take the same finger and point it at Your Heart. Your Heart-Beat is Unique, it pumps blood throughout Your Entire body.You see, That’s “ THE AMAZING POWER OF YOUR INDIVIDUALITY! I Hoped EveryOne Participated and Enjoyed the Exercise ! So, Have You Ever Caught Yourself Comparing Yourself to Other People? The problem with comparing Yourself to other People is, You are’t them and You cannot be them. You Have Your Life to Live and They Have Theirs. Your Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations are Yours. Just like Your FingerPrint, That’s “THE AMAZING POWER OF YOUR INDIVIDUALITY!"

Monday, July 26, 2021


BLACKPEOPLE of The Past Have Proven That BLACKPEOPLE Can Work Together For The BLACK CAUSE.Therefore, Our Generation Must UNITE & ORGANISE Our People and Resources, In Order To Provide Better Living Conditions & Better Opportunities For Our People!

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Today, I want to $peak about a problem in the BLACK COMMUNITY.Just what is this problem, you might ask?Well, the problem is this thing called,” STUDENTLOAN DEBT!" You see, $tudentLoan Debt in America has passed the “ ONE-TRILLION DOLLAR “ Mark(and is still Rising)! Also, $tudentLoan Debt for BLACK $TUDENT$ is 2 to 3 Times Higher than that of White $TUDENT$.Futhermore, The Default Rate on $tudentLoans for BLACK Females is far greater than that of White and BLACK Male $tudents.$o, I guess That is Correct to $ay, “ BLACKPEOPLE WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”

Sunday, April 18, 2021


For those who have forgotten, "2021" Marks The "100th Anniversary" of The Bombing of "BLACKWALL$TREET[ Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahouma ]." To better understand How " BLACKWALL$TREET " got started, You need to go back and Research " THE NATIONAL NEGRO BU$INE$$ LEAGUE " which was Founded, Organised, and Nurtured to Growth by BOOKER T. WA$HINGTON.There us said to have been " OVER 600 CHAPTER$ Of THE NATIONAL NEGRO BU$INE$$ LEAGUE All Across The UNITED $TATE$.Yes, even Madame C.J, Walker was a member! Futhermore, The National Negro Business League was an American organization founded in Boston in 1900 by Booker T. Washington to promote the interests of African-American businesses. The mission and main goal of the National Negro Business League was "to promote the commercial and financial development of the Negro." It was recognized as "composed of negro men and women who have achieved success along business lines". It grew rapidly with 320 chapters in 1905 and more than 600 chapters in 34 states in 1915. NNBL Article :

Monday, February 15, 2021


So often in coversation, people suggest that kids should learn about FINANCES from home and their parents. However, the problem with this suggestion is that "OVER 70%" of the PARENTS are "FINANCIAL ILLITERATE!" The situation is Similar to what Carter G Woodson mention in his NEGRO CLASSIC Book, The Miseducation of The Negro when he discussed the problem of Miseducated Negroes " MISEDUCATING " the Other Negroes( the problem only gets worst ). Therefore, to think that Financial Illiterate parents should be teaching financial illiterate kids about money snd finance is totally "RIDICULOUS!"

Monday, January 11, 2021


As I was reading a book, the thought came to me," You Must Give Up The πŸ‘» Ghost πŸ‘»." As I sat wondering what it meant, I suddenly realized how true that thought was.Therefore, I came to the conclusion that it meant that I must " GIVE UP THE πŸ‘» Ghost πŸ‘»" of my former self.I need to let go of the OLD Version of me, in order to become the NEW Version of me.Also,I will have to let go of some of my OLD Beliefs and OLD Habits that no longer serve me.And Sadly, I must also let go of some of my OLD friends and associates! So as I begin this NEW YEAR of 2021, I AM " GIVING UP πŸ‘»THE GHOST!πŸ‘» - garryb

Friday, January 1, 2021


Hello Tribe,perhaps you have read or at least heard about the sensational self-help book, " Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.If not,I strongly suggest that you get a copy of it today!As I was reading the book,I noticed that behind and in front of " one's thinking " that there is this thing we call "growing." Well, it struck me that one can hardly expect to get rich or wealthy without " growing as well as " thinking.Both are required in obtaining riches and wealth.Also, do not let the title lead you into thinking that this is another get rich quick book.No, this is a book that will help you " reprogram " your mind and your thinking.However, you don't have to take my word, you can get a copy of Think & Grow Rich and read it for yourself.Before I go,I would like to thank you for stopping by and reading my article.Happy New Year to All! Sincerely, Garry O Blanson