Saturday, July 30, 2016

How Well Do You Know Yourself ?

Today,it seems as if people have been conditioned to know about everything under the sun,but " SELF !" By second nature,we stay tuned into the weather,news,sports,and the radio.However, somehow,we have gotten out of tune with " SELF." Additionally, more people appear to be overly concerned about fixing their neighbor,than about trying to fix " SELF." It has been said many times and in many ways," In order to truly know and fully understand others,WE MUST FIRST KNOW SELF." Also, " KNOW THYSELF " was the inscription over the Oracle of Delphi,The Greek Mecca of Wisdom.In an interview,Leadership Guru, Warren Bennis stated," KNOW THYSELF " means separating WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU WANT TO BE from what the world thinks you are and wants you to be. If you are familiar with Facebook, you have already witnessed the popular picture CRAZE, known as taking a " SELFIE." Although many people have filled their time-lines with these " SELFIE " pictures, I often wonder how many of them really know " SELF?"You see, in order to know " SELF," you must BE " SELF" ; and in order to BE " SELF," one must also BE AWARE of " SELF." What thoughts automatically come to mind whenever you hear someone say,SELF-AWARENESS? In his classic book," The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey states that SELF-AWARENESS is what enables us to stand apart and examine even the way we see ourselves.SELF-AWARENESS is our “ UNIQUE “ ability to think about our very own thought process.Therefore,SELF-AWARENESS is THE KEY to truly knowing and understanding " SELF."