Sunday, April 18, 2021


For those who have forgotten, "2021" Marks The "100th Anniversary" of The Bombing of "BLACKWALL$TREET[ Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahouma ]." To better understand How " BLACKWALL$TREET " got started, You need to go back and Research " THE NATIONAL NEGRO BU$INE$$ LEAGUE " which was Founded, Organised, and Nurtured to Growth by BOOKER T. WA$HINGTON.There us said to have been " OVER 600 CHAPTER$ Of THE NATIONAL NEGRO BU$INE$$ LEAGUE All Across The UNITED $TATE$.Yes, even Madame C.J, Walker was a member! Futhermore, The National Negro Business League was an American organization founded in Boston in 1900 by Booker T. Washington to promote the interests of African-American businesses. The mission and main goal of the National Negro Business League was "to promote the commercial and financial development of the Negro." It was recognized as "composed of negro men and women who have achieved success along business lines". It grew rapidly with 320 chapters in 1905 and more than 600 chapters in 34 states in 1915. NNBL Article :