Tuesday, September 13, 2016

" When Your Dream Chases You "

Many times I have often heard people say that a person was " CHASING " their Dreams.Well,recently I came across a book{Dream Year },by Ben Arment that said,"You don't go after Your Dream,Your Dream comes after you!"You see,it was pretty easy for me to imagine someone being chased by a dog,but I had never really entertained the idea of someone being chased by a Dream.However,the more I thought about it,the more I realized that I was being chased by my Dream too! Mr.Arment went on to say that the " CHASE " has a history[ yes,your Dream has been chasing you for some time now].If you were to actually go back over your life experiences,you would probably discover times in your life when your Dream was in " hot pursuit" of you! The late Jim Rohn use to say," Success leaves clues." Surprisingly,your Dream has left you clues too!It's amazing how our childhood experiences are filled with these clues of our Dream.Mr.Arment called these clues " Defining Moments " of our lives.He says that these defining moments not only forcast our Dream,but they also help shape our potential as well. In case you are wondering about how you can discover some of the " CLUES " that Mr.Arment speaks of in his book," Dream Year."Here are nine questions that he says that you can ask yourself to help discover some of the clues that your Dream has left behind. 1. In what area have you excelled? 2. What were some of the defining moments of your life. 3. What passions or interests that you can't seem to shake? 4. What are three of your frustrations? 5. What work would you gladly do for free? 6. What kind of people are drawn to you? 7. What things come easily for you? 8. Where do your talents/gifts collide with what other people want? 9. What were some of your interest and tendencies as a child? For more information about Mr.Arment and his wonderful book," Dream Year." Please Visit: www.dreamyear.net Please don't forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page: https://www.facebook.com/Garry-O-Blanson-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard Also,remember that you can find me at : http://themonroemanifesto.blogspot.com/

Saturday, September 10, 2016


YOUR DREAMS are like a Baby's first set of Teeth.For Months[ on the surface] there seems to be no Activity,then little by little, one tooth after another begins to appear. Also, we should remember what it says in the Bible is the Book of Habakkah : " And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 3For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. "