Monday, February 8, 2016

What Formula( For Success ) Are You Using ?

What Formula( For Success ) Are You Using ? There's a Formula in Naploeon Hill's book,"Think and Grow Rich " called The Q.Q.M.A. Formula.The Q.Q.M.A. Formula means that the Quality of service rendereed,plus the Quantity of service rendered,plus the Mental Attitude in which the service is rendered,determines the compensation one shall receive and the place one may occupy in the world. What is a Formula ? A Formula is nothing more than a recipe. The same way you use a recipe to make a cake,you can use a recipe to achieve your goals in life.You may say,if people can use a recipe, then why don't they? Well, the problem is that many people have never taken the time to discover what recipe they've been using.Therefore, they keep going from recipe to recipe,without realizing which recipe worked the best.So you see, in order for us to achieve our goals, it's crucial that we identify the recipe we're going to use.Once we have identified the exact recipe,then we can work on improving it. Ok, let's find a recipe that has worked well for you in the past. Write down two goals that you achieved in the past that gives you a " good feeling " when you think about them.Now,peruse your mind to recall the exact steps you took to achieve the first goal{ write each step down }.Also, do the same for the second goal.See if you can identify a pattern in the steps you took to achieve both goals. Use Your findings to write " YOUR WINNING RECIPE !"