Friday, October 28, 2016


Hello Everyone, a friend of mine has written a New Book called, HUSTLE HARD FOR SUCCESS by Rashan Lawhorne Like me,Rashan is trying to show our Youth that they can be successful, with or without a College Degree. One of his goals is to open several Youth Entrepreneur Franchises through-out the United States.Please consider helping by " INVESTING " in Rashan's Dream ! 100 MAJOR KEYS TO BUILDING WEALTH & YOUR EMPIRE Click Here to Order NOW !
Hustle Hard is a major key to building an empire. This book will give you major keys on how to build a business, how to build generational wealth, how to plan for the future and how to build a circle of friends. You can also join the Hustle Hard Academy for which is step by step training program with Rashan Lawhorne that teaches you to create wealth, build business credit and how to hustle hard to make your dreams a reality. Click Here to Order NOW ! " YOU'RE NOT JUST BUYING A BOOK, YOU'RE INVESTING IN A DREAM "

Saturday, October 22, 2016

" Stop Spending and Start Investing "

While listening to an audio program , I heard the speaker say these words, " STOP SPENDING and START INVESTING !" He went on to say that with " SPENDING " there's usually no " EXPECTANCY " for return.However,with " INVESTING " there's usually " ALWAYS " an " EXPECTANCY " for return! Also, He mentioned that MONEY is not the ONLY thing that people can spend or invest.Additionally to MONEY, people can invest these other four things.You can invest YOUR THOUGHTS,YOUR BELIEFS YOUR WORDS, YOUR TIME, and most importantly,YOUR " ENERGY !" I know that it seems strange to hear about someone investing something different than MONEY.At first, it appeared strange to me too, but the more I thought about it, the more it began to make sense. As I looked at it objectively,I started to see how MONEY revolves around our THOUGHTS,BELIEFS,WORDS,TIME,and ENERGY. Most people never realize how their THOUGHTS,BELIEFS,WORDS,TIME,and ENERGY affect their daily conversations in their homes, at their jobs,and the other places they travel.They have become so conditioned to running here and running there, without even " THINKING " about what is really happening.They have " BOUGHT " the idea that they should " SPEND " every penny that they have earned, without even " THINKING " about " INVESTING " it ( and yet, they wonder why they live PAYCHECK-to-PAYCHECK ). In closing, I hope that this article will help you to see that you " HAVE "other things that you can " INVEST " in besides " MONEY." Remember that you can like my page by going to :

Sunday, October 9, 2016

DO YOU REALLY NEED Eye-glasses or Do You Simply need More Light ?

No matter where you live in America,you can't help but " SEE " the increasing number of children wearing Prescription Eye-glasses.Some people have tried using the fact that children are watching more television and playing more video games these days.I may have agreed with that presumption,if I wouldn't have found this book called," Do you really need Eye-glasses[ Revised 1983 Edition by Dr. Marilyn B.Rosanes Berrett.You see,You seem I had been conditioned to think that if a person had a problem seeing,then they probably needed glasses[What an error in thinking that was]. I believe that it's time for us to go back and do some research, and to stop just believing whatever the Eye-doctors and Eye-glass Industry tell us.Today, we can google all the information we need.There are plenty of free articles and ebooks that we can research and download.No longer do we have to blndly believe the lies they try to feed us.We can read the information for ourselves and make more informed decisions,instead of just going out and purchaing a pair of eye-glasses that we may not even need ! In her book, Do You Really Need Eye-glasses, Dr.Marilyn has included eseveral sight improvement exercises for people that may at times have problems seeing.One of the exercises is called " SUNNING." The author stated that Sunning stimulates the retina, which grows dim and insensitive if it is long deprived of light{ light is food for the retins and other nerve tissue essential to seeing clearly }.Another exercise she recommends is known as " PALMING." Palming consists of cupping the hands gently over the eyes.Palming has been known to improve circulation to the eyes and surrounding structures( adequate circulation is essential for normal visual function ).Good circulation is particularly important as we grow older. In closing,if you have eye-problems or wear eye-glasses,I highly recommend that you become proactive and begin an eye-improvement program that inclues Sunning and Palming. Please don't forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page: Also,remember that you can find me at :