Thursday, July 20, 2017


Hello Everyone, this week's Article title came to me while I was reading one of Wallace D. Wattles books," The Science of Getting Rich." In the book, Mr. Wattles says that " MENTAL ROBBERY " is just as bad as " PHYSICAL ROBBERY." Which leads to this question," Are YOU MENTALLY ROBBING YOURSELF BLIND?" Everyday,we hear people talking about physical robbery.However, it is seldom that we hear people discuss " MENTAL ROBBERY." It's as if people don't realize that they are " MENTALLY ROBBING " themselves blind ! Also,I am reminded of what Joseph Murphy said in his book," The Power of YOUR Subconscious Mind." He said that people unknowingly are making a mockery out of PRAYER, by PRAYING one thing and then thinking the opposite( not only do they cancel the PRAYER they just PRAYED for, but they also " BLINDLY ROB THEMSELVES MENTALLY ). You see, what most of us were never told is that " EVERYTHING " in/on the " PHYSICAL REALM " is the reflection of things on/in the " MENTAL REALM." Yes,EVERYTHING must exist " MENTALLY," before it can exist "PHYSICALLY." Therefore, most people are unknowingly " MENTALLY ROBBING THEMSELVES BLIND!" Well, now I can see why Napoleon Hill said," Possession begins in the MIND[ mentally ].Mr Hill said that we need to " MENTALLY SEE,FEEL,and BELIEVE " ourselves " ALREADY in POSSESSION " of whatever we want[desire ]. Additionally, Mr.Hill is known for coining this popular phrase," Whatever the Mind can Conceive and Believe, The Mind can Achieve " [ Just in case some of you were wondering,Mr.Hill was referring to " YOUR MIND " ]. Each one of us has been blessed with a MARVELOUS MIND and a tremendous BRAIN. PLEASE NOTICE that I spoke of MIND and the BRAIN separately. Why?Well, I did so because they are separate. For whatever reason,most people have been conditioned to THINK and BELIEVE that the BRAIN is the MIND( which is a very erroneous BELIEF to say the lease ). Furthermore,I find it amazing how he MIND utilizes the BRAIN as a sort of switching station to help us transform{ transmute } our " MENTAL " THOUGHTS and IDEAS into their " PHYSICAL EQUIVALENT." In closing, I believe that if people could only realize how their " PHYSICAL WORLD " flows from and through their " MENTAL WORLD," they would start to fully understand how they are " MENTALLY ROBBING THEMSELVES BLIND !" I hope that this week's Article will help everyone to see that one of the the keys to understanding our " PHYSICAL WORLD " is by examining our " MENTAL WORLD." PLEASE remember to Like my page on FACEBOOK by copying and pasting this Link : on-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard , Thanks !

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