Friday, February 3, 2017


I am reminded of a picture I saw in Stephen Covey's book," The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.It's the same picture that is posted above.Go ahead and take a moment to look at the picture.Now, after you had a chance to view the picture,which lady did you see? Was it the " YOUNGER LADY "or the " OLD LADY." The reason that I asked you to look at the picture, was to let you see the " ROLE " that " BELIEF " plays in our perception of people, places,things,and situations. Napoleon Hill was quoted as saying, " Whatever the Mind of man can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve. With that being said, I what to ask you this question," WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ? It has been proven that most of the things that people tend to believe were actually told to them by their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles,teachers,and other peoplewho they trusted.Many of things people have accepted as " TRUTH " is actually " FLAWED ," and in many cases, they are " LIES " that went unchallenged.So, why does this matter you may ask? It matters because, those beliefs often become " LIMITING BELIEFS !" Well, Limiting Beliefs are those beliefs that we have accepted and had for so long that we have forgotten that they are even there. Here's an example of one : Limiting Belief - I am not lucky: Luck is an invention people made in order to find something to blame when they fail to reach what they want because of not trying hard enough or even worse not trying at all. One of the most famous examples of limiting beliefs is believing that you are not lucky. This is just one of the many Limiting Beliefs that are " LIMITING " people from achieving their dreams and goals in Life.So Garry, now that you have made us aware that we have " LIMITING BELIEFS." Can you tell us how we can identify them.Well,I am glad you asked. I found a website called, " 2KNOWMYSELF " . Here it what M.Farouk Radwan said you can do to help identify your Limiting Beliefs : There is no doubt that living with limiting beliefs can force you to live a mediocre life that is far away from your true potential and thus learning how to identify and get rid of such self limiting beliefs is the best thing you can do to yourself.The problem with limiting beliefs is that they usually seem so real to the extent that most people find them very hard to identify. A person can hardly tell whether his deeply rooted belief is a real or limiting one and that's why i decided to write this article to tel you how to identify self limiting beliefs. Steps to identify self limiting beliefs Before you can identify self limiting beliefs you need to do two things, the first is to learn how to monitor your self talk and the second is to become aware of the biased judgments your subconscious mind makes all the time. By learning how to monitor your self talk you will be able to spot the self limiting beliefs behind the conversations that takes place in your mind. For example if you found yourself saying something like "i can't do this because i am not lucky" then its clear that there is a self limiting belief about luck behind the statement. Eliminating the bias of your subconscious mind is the second important step in identifying self limiting beliefs. Usually a person filters out all evidence that doesn't support his self limiting beliefs while keeping all other evidence. If for example you believed that all men are cheaters then you will only remember the evidence that proves this belief true while filtering all other evidence. You will never be able to identity the self limiting beliefs you have before you learn how to get rid of this bias. Bringing the self limiting beliefs to the surface Once you have developed the previous skills you can identify your self limiting beliefs by making bold arguments. If for example you said boldly something like " i will be a millionaire in three years" you will suddenly find tons of negative arguments flying in your mind. In the Solid Self confidence program i said that positive thinking never works if you tried to go against your beliefs but there is a good thing about this fact which is that you can use positive thinking to bring your self limiting beliefs to the surface. As soon as you will set a bold goal your self limiting beliefs will show up in seconds. Write down all of the negative arguments that were brought to the surface then try to find out their underlying self limiting beliefs. Of course not all beliefs that will show up will be limiting ones and so your job will be identifying the self limiting beliefs from ones that are based on true facts. Ihope that my article has been helpful ,PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR MY NEXT ARTICLE, " LIMITING BELIEFS BE GONE." Also, PLEASE DON'T forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page: on-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard

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