Thursday, February 16, 2017


For a while, to " DREAM " was All We could do We were Young and We knew,and our eyes were alive Deep inside We knew our " DREAM " was true!For a while We paid no mind to the past,We knew our " DREAM " would last: Every night somethin' right Would invite us to begin the " DREAM," Somethin' happened along the way( a job, bills, #DEBT ) What used to be happy was sad,Somethin' happened along the way,And yesterday was all We had ! Oh, oh, after the " DREAM " has gone,What used to be right is wrong :Can a " DREAM " that's lost be found Oh, oh, after the " DREAM " has gone... [ Sing to the tune of " After the Love Has Gone by Earth, Wind & Fire] In one of his poems,the Black Poet Langston Hughes wrote, " What happens to a " DREAM " deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over—like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.Or does it explode? Well,it seems that many people today have lost the " DREAMS " of their childhood.It has been said that if you ask a child around the age of 8 what are his " DREAMS," he will tell you the most wonderful things you have ever heard.However, when you ask an adult around the age of 28,he will tell you," I'm good,I have a job! What happened during the 20 years in between that made him trade in his " DREAMS " for a job? From research,I have found that MUCH of it has to do with " SCHOOL " and " SOCIETY ." You see, when the child enters SCHOOL, his " DREAMS " take a " BACKSEAT " to SCHOOL and the SCHOOL CURRICULUM.Not only do his " DREAMS " take a BACKSEAT,the child (as an individual ) also takes a " BACKSEAT " to the " SCHOOL CURRICULUM !" Because of this, children never take the time to " DISCOVER " who they actually ARE [ LET ALONE THEIR DREAMS ]. I am often reminded about the movie Alice in Wonderland, when Alice meets the Caterpillar.The Caterpillar immediately asks Alice," WHO ARE YOU?" She tells the Caterpillar that she doesn't know " WHO " she is.I feel that this is the same problem that people have today.SCHOOL and SOCIETY makes people forget their " DREAMS " about who they CAN BE.Once children begin SCHOOL, they began the process of trading their " DREAMS " for grades, awards and certificates.If only parents could see what is being done in the name of " SO-CALLED EDUCATION !" Also,let us look at the word ēdūcō, the root word of EDUCATION.the word EDUCATION comes from the LATIN word ēdūcō. meaning to lead, draw or take out, forth or away.When you think about it, isn't this what a people must do with their " DREAMS ?" People must draw or take out their " DREAMS " from their minds.They must draw out the constructed " DREAMS " that are within their minds.You see, a " DREAM " is actually a Vision, a Prototype, of what needs to be drawn out of the mind and reproduced physically. Well,what is a person over the age of 29 to do, AFTER THE " DREAM " IS GONE? The answer is pretty simple,the person should immediately begin " DREAMING AGAIN !" God has given every human the " GIFT OF IMAGINATION.Napoleon Hill said," The Imagination is the workshop of the Mind.Hill also said that everything in the physical was FIRST formed in the Mind.So, when a person goes back to " DREAMING AGAIN," he can construct the Prototype for the TYPE of person and life that he wants to become. Overtime, the " DREAM " will manifest into REALITY.SCHOOL never teaches people that " CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND !" James Allen wrote a wonderful book called, " AS A MAN THINKETH." You can download a FREE COPY of the book by CLICKING on this LINK : I hope that this article has helped you and please don't forget to go to FACEBOOK : and LIKE my Page !

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