Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit lonely,Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit tired Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit nervous,That the best of all the years have gone by ! - Bonnie Tyler
As I was reading the book, " The Power of Risk by Jim McCormick," I came across an Exercise that he calls " TURNING POINTS." It's an Exercise where you go back and examine the many " TURNING POINTS " of your past. He said that looking at our past experiences can provide us with valuable insight as to how we got to where we are today. Well, what exactly is the criteria for an event to be considered a " TURNING POINT," you might ask ? A " TURNING POINT " is considered to be an event that sent you off in a new and different direction---ones that changed the direction of your life[ even a little bit, such as moving, changing schools or meeting the person who would become your future mate ]. Some " TURNING POINTS " will stick out clearer than others.Some were positive,some turned out negative,but they all got you to where you are today. While we chose some of our " TURNING POINTS," some of them were imposed on us by circumstances or by other people. Step 1 : Identify Your " TURNING POINTS " On a fresh sheet of paper, list the events from your past that fit the criteria as a " TURNING POINT." ( You can began looking at these five areas : 1. Location 2. School / Education 3. Relationships 4. Occupation . ) Examples of " TURNING POINTS " include, moving during your school years, attending a summer camp, losing a close friend or relative at an early age, going out for a high school sport, running for a school office, attending or deciding not to attend college, moving away from home, having children, ending a marriage or receiving a promotion. Anything you feel that fits the criteria, WRITE IT DOWN ! Step 2 : Your Self-determined " TURNING POINTS " As mentioned earlier, some " TURNING POINTS " were sort of forced upon us, while we chose others. So after you have finished listing all of your " TURNING POINTS," go back and put a " STAR " beside any " TURNING POINT " that wasn't imposed, but chosed by you. Step 3 : YOUR POSITIVE SELF-DETERMINED " TURNING POINTS " Now take a look at the " STARRED TURNING POINTS " { only the starred ones }. The ones in which you were the decision maker[ underline or circle the ones that you " FEEL " turned out positive ]. These are the actions you're glad you took ( you would do them again ). Step 4 : Make Three Columns On a new piece of paper, make three colums. Title the first column " TURNING POINT." Title the second column Risks Taken. Title the Third column Why I took the Risk. Step 5 : Determining Why You took the Risk First, take the first " POSITIVE SELF-DETERMINED TURNING POINT " that you underlined or circled, and write it in the first column. Next, in the second column, list some of the Risks that were involved in the " TURNING POINT." Finally, think back to the actual time you went through the " TURNING POINT." Think about what made you take the Risks, what led you to do it, what was your motivation( despiration or inspiration ). The main point of this exercise is to help you see that YOU HAVE HAD SUCCESS at TAKING RISK in the past. You have had more successs at taking Risks than you have been giving yourself credit for{ STOP CHEATING YOURSELF...GIVE YOURSELF THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE and HAVE EARNED FOR THE COURAGE YOU HAVE EXHIBITED IN TAKING ALL THOSE RISKS ! } This exercise can help you examine and identify your personal patterns around Risk taking that might be keeping you from getting to where want to go in life. As I was reading the book, " The Power of Risk by Jim McCormick," I came across an Exercise that he calls " TURNING POINTS." It's an Exercise where you go back and examine the many " TURNING POINTS " of your past. He said that looking at our past experiences can provide us with valuable insight as to how we got to where we are today. Well, what exactly is the criteria for an event to be considered a " TURNING POINT," you might ask ? A " TURNING POINT " is considered to be an event that sent you off in a new and different direction---ones that changed the direction of your life[ even a little bit, such as moving, changing schools or meeting the person who would become your future mate ]. Some " TURNING POINTS " will stick out clearer than others.Some were positive,some turned out negative,but they all got you to where you are today. While we chose some of our " TURNING POINTS," some of them were imposed on us by circumstances or by other people. Step 1 : Identify Your " TURNING POINTS " On a fresh sheet of paper, list the events from your past that fit the criteria as a " TURNING POINT." ( You can began looking at these five areas : 1. Location 2. School / Education 3. Relationships 4. Occupation . ) Examples of " TURNING POINTS " include, moving during your school years, attending a summer camp, losing a close friend or relative at an early age, going out for a high school sport, running for a school office, attending or deciding not to attend college, moving away from home, having children, ending a marriage or receiving a promotion. Anything you feel that fits the criteria, WRITE IT DOWN ! Step 2 : Your Self-determined " TURNING POINTS " As mentioned earlier, some " TURNING POINTS " were sort of forced upon us, while we chose others. So after you have finished listing all of your " TURNING POINTS," go back and put a " STAR " beside any " TURNING POINT " that wasn't imposed, but chosed by you. Step 3 : YOUR POSITIVE SELF-DETERMINED " TURNING POINTS " Now take a look at the " STARRED TURNING POINTS " { only the starred ones }. The ones in which you were the decision maker[ underline or circle the ones that you " FEEL " turned out positive ]. These are the actions you're glad you took ( you would do them again ). Step 4 : Make Three Columns On a new piece of paper, make three columns. Title the first column " TURNING POINT." Title the second column Risks Taken. Title the Third column Why I took the Risk. Step 5 : Examining Why You took the Risk First, take the first " POSITIVE SELF-DETERMINED TURNING POINT " that you underlined or circled, and write it in the first column. Next, in the second column, list some of the Risks that were involved in the " TURNING POINT." Finally, think back to the actual time you went through the " TURNING POINT." Think about what made you take the Risks, what led you to do it, what was your motivation( desperation or inspiration ). The main point of this exercise is to help you see that YOU HAVE HAD SUCCESS at TAKING RISK in the past. You have had more success at taking Risks than you have been giving yourself credit for{ STOP CHEATING YOURSELF...GIVE YOURSELF THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE and HAVE EARNED FOR THE COURAGE YOU HAVE EXHIBITED IN TAKING ALL THOSE RISKS ! } This exercise can help you examine and identify your personal patterns around Risk taking that might be keeping you from getting to where want to go in life. I've reached the I've reached the turning point in my life...I've reached the turning point lord lord lord in my life ! Do Do Oop yea Do Do Oop yea - Tyrone Davis I hope that this article will help you, and please don't forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page at : Also,you can CLICk on this LINK that will take you to the site where you can GET YOUR " FREE " ebook copy of the ebook," The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy :

Thursday, February 16, 2017


For a while, to " DREAM " was All We could do We were Young and We knew,and our eyes were alive Deep inside We knew our " DREAM " was true!For a while We paid no mind to the past,We knew our " DREAM " would last: Every night somethin' right Would invite us to begin the " DREAM," Somethin' happened along the way( a job, bills, #DEBT ) What used to be happy was sad,Somethin' happened along the way,And yesterday was all We had ! Oh, oh, after the " DREAM " has gone,What used to be right is wrong :Can a " DREAM " that's lost be found Oh, oh, after the " DREAM " has gone... [ Sing to the tune of " After the Love Has Gone by Earth, Wind & Fire] In one of his poems,the Black Poet Langston Hughes wrote, " What happens to a " DREAM " deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over—like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.Or does it explode? Well,it seems that many people today have lost the " DREAMS " of their childhood.It has been said that if you ask a child around the age of 8 what are his " DREAMS," he will tell you the most wonderful things you have ever heard.However, when you ask an adult around the age of 28,he will tell you," I'm good,I have a job! What happened during the 20 years in between that made him trade in his " DREAMS " for a job? From research,I have found that MUCH of it has to do with " SCHOOL " and " SOCIETY ." You see, when the child enters SCHOOL, his " DREAMS " take a " BACKSEAT " to SCHOOL and the SCHOOL CURRICULUM.Not only do his " DREAMS " take a BACKSEAT,the child (as an individual ) also takes a " BACKSEAT " to the " SCHOOL CURRICULUM !" Because of this, children never take the time to " DISCOVER " who they actually ARE [ LET ALONE THEIR DREAMS ]. I am often reminded about the movie Alice in Wonderland, when Alice meets the Caterpillar.The Caterpillar immediately asks Alice," WHO ARE YOU?" She tells the Caterpillar that she doesn't know " WHO " she is.I feel that this is the same problem that people have today.SCHOOL and SOCIETY makes people forget their " DREAMS " about who they CAN BE.Once children begin SCHOOL, they began the process of trading their " DREAMS " for grades, awards and certificates.If only parents could see what is being done in the name of " SO-CALLED EDUCATION !" Also,let us look at the word ēdūcō, the root word of EDUCATION.the word EDUCATION comes from the LATIN word ēdūcō. meaning to lead, draw or take out, forth or away.When you think about it, isn't this what a people must do with their " DREAMS ?" People must draw or take out their " DREAMS " from their minds.They must draw out the constructed " DREAMS " that are within their minds.You see, a " DREAM " is actually a Vision, a Prototype, of what needs to be drawn out of the mind and reproduced physically. Well,what is a person over the age of 29 to do, AFTER THE " DREAM " IS GONE? The answer is pretty simple,the person should immediately begin " DREAMING AGAIN !" God has given every human the " GIFT OF IMAGINATION.Napoleon Hill said," The Imagination is the workshop of the Mind.Hill also said that everything in the physical was FIRST formed in the Mind.So, when a person goes back to " DREAMING AGAIN," he can construct the Prototype for the TYPE of person and life that he wants to become. Overtime, the " DREAM " will manifest into REALITY.SCHOOL never teaches people that " CHANGE BEGINS IN THE MIND !" James Allen wrote a wonderful book called, " AS A MAN THINKETH." You can download a FREE COPY of the book by CLICKING on this LINK : I hope that this article has helped you and please don't forget to go to FACEBOOK : and LIKE my Page !

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Hello Everyone, here's the follow up to last week's article. Too many people hold on to beliefs that " NO LONGER " serve their best interest ! M.Farouk Radwan is about to give you information to help you get rid of the beliefs that are hindering your progress.Please get a pen and paper to jot down any ideas that " POP " into your head. Well just how do you get rid of limiting beliefs? Before i can answer this question i must first tell you how limiting beliefs are formed. Limiting beliefs doesn't only affect the person who acquire them but their effect extends to infect the ones surrounding him too. In my previous article the 5 steps to reach anything you want i said that getting rid of limiting beliefs is an essential for success to happen. Without getting rid of limiting beliefs the person who have them will live below his potential even if he can do much better. In this article i will tell you exactly how to get rid of limiting beliefs by explaining to you how they are formed. Getting rid of limiting beliefs by understanding them you won't be able to get rid of limiting beliefs before understanding how people acquire them. In the next few points i will tell you how limiting beliefs are created so that you understand how to reverse the process and remove them: People try to fill the gaps: The human being is a very curious creature as he can't bear being exposed to something that is vague or unclear. As soon as people are faced with phenomenons that they don't understand they start forming limiting beliefs and false ones. The first step you need to do to get rid of limiting beliefs is to not make any conclusions without first acquiring enough knowledge. Lack of knowledge results in limiting beliefs: If a guy didn't know how to interpret body language for example he might mistakenly believe that some people don't like him just because he incorrectly interpreted a signal. This guy formed a limiting belief because he lacked knowledge and because he made his conclusion very early. In order to get rid of limiting beliefs you must equip yourself with knowledge and never make conclusions without having enough data. Limiting beliefs spread like colds: The third fact you must understand in order to get rid of a limiting belief is to know that people infect each other with their limiting beliefs just like they infect each others with colds. As soon as something that can't be explained happens lots of people acquire limiting beliefs then infect the ones surrounding them through repetition and subconscious mind programming. That also explains why in each society there might be some common limiting beliefs among most people Steps to get rid of limiting beliefs After knowing the previous facts its clear now that most people are mislead and living big lies because of the liming beliefs they acquired. In the Solid Self confidence program i said that most people don't succeed not because they lack any needed qualities but because their minds are full of limiting beliefs that force them to live below their potential. If you want to rid get of limiting beliefs then you must not listen to most people,understand that the opinion of large groups is usually wrong and never make any conclusions about yourself or anything else before acquiring the missing facts. Once again, I hope that you enjoyed this two-part series.You can read more about Beliefs at : . Also, PLEASE DON'T forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page: on-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard

Friday, February 3, 2017


I am reminded of a picture I saw in Stephen Covey's book," The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.It's the same picture that is posted above.Go ahead and take a moment to look at the picture.Now, after you had a chance to view the picture,which lady did you see? Was it the " YOUNGER LADY "or the " OLD LADY." The reason that I asked you to look at the picture, was to let you see the " ROLE " that " BELIEF " plays in our perception of people, places,things,and situations. Napoleon Hill was quoted as saying, " Whatever the Mind of man can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve. With that being said, I what to ask you this question," WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ? It has been proven that most of the things that people tend to believe were actually told to them by their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles,teachers,and other peoplewho they trusted.Many of things people have accepted as " TRUTH " is actually " FLAWED ," and in many cases, they are " LIES " that went unchallenged.So, why does this matter you may ask? It matters because, those beliefs often become " LIMITING BELIEFS !" Well, Limiting Beliefs are those beliefs that we have accepted and had for so long that we have forgotten that they are even there. Here's an example of one : Limiting Belief - I am not lucky: Luck is an invention people made in order to find something to blame when they fail to reach what they want because of not trying hard enough or even worse not trying at all. One of the most famous examples of limiting beliefs is believing that you are not lucky. This is just one of the many Limiting Beliefs that are " LIMITING " people from achieving their dreams and goals in Life.So Garry, now that you have made us aware that we have " LIMITING BELIEFS." Can you tell us how we can identify them.Well,I am glad you asked. I found a website called, " 2KNOWMYSELF " . Here it what M.Farouk Radwan said you can do to help identify your Limiting Beliefs : There is no doubt that living with limiting beliefs can force you to live a mediocre life that is far away from your true potential and thus learning how to identify and get rid of such self limiting beliefs is the best thing you can do to yourself.The problem with limiting beliefs is that they usually seem so real to the extent that most people find them very hard to identify. A person can hardly tell whether his deeply rooted belief is a real or limiting one and that's why i decided to write this article to tel you how to identify self limiting beliefs. Steps to identify self limiting beliefs Before you can identify self limiting beliefs you need to do two things, the first is to learn how to monitor your self talk and the second is to become aware of the biased judgments your subconscious mind makes all the time. By learning how to monitor your self talk you will be able to spot the self limiting beliefs behind the conversations that takes place in your mind. For example if you found yourself saying something like "i can't do this because i am not lucky" then its clear that there is a self limiting belief about luck behind the statement. Eliminating the bias of your subconscious mind is the second important step in identifying self limiting beliefs. Usually a person filters out all evidence that doesn't support his self limiting beliefs while keeping all other evidence. If for example you believed that all men are cheaters then you will only remember the evidence that proves this belief true while filtering all other evidence. You will never be able to identity the self limiting beliefs you have before you learn how to get rid of this bias. Bringing the self limiting beliefs to the surface Once you have developed the previous skills you can identify your self limiting beliefs by making bold arguments. If for example you said boldly something like " i will be a millionaire in three years" you will suddenly find tons of negative arguments flying in your mind. In the Solid Self confidence program i said that positive thinking never works if you tried to go against your beliefs but there is a good thing about this fact which is that you can use positive thinking to bring your self limiting beliefs to the surface. As soon as you will set a bold goal your self limiting beliefs will show up in seconds. Write down all of the negative arguments that were brought to the surface then try to find out their underlying self limiting beliefs. Of course not all beliefs that will show up will be limiting ones and so your job will be identifying the self limiting beliefs from ones that are based on true facts. Ihope that my article has been helpful ,PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR MY NEXT ARTICLE, " LIMITING BELIEFS BE GONE." Also, PLEASE DON'T forget to go to FACEBOOK and like my page: on-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard