Friday, June 2, 2017


" If your VISION is for a year, Plant wheat ; If your VISION is for ten years, Plant trees ; if your VISION is for a LIFETIME, Plant People " - Chinese Proverb
For some reason,all last week and this week,the word " VISION " kept popping up in my head and in my research.Therefore, " THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE " and " NEXT WEEK'S ARTICLE will be about " VISION."In the Bible it says," Where there is no " VISION," the People Perish " - Proverbs 29:18 King James Version (KJV).Yes,my research agrees with this scripture.Hey guys, while performing my weekly research, I found out that some people were actually using Someone else's " VISION," instead of their own.Many of them were using their parents, their grandparents, their uncles, and even their teachers.Also, I was surprised to learn that more than a few of them were doing it without even being " AWARE " of what they were doing. Well, before we go any further, I want to make it clear to everyone. When I mentioned the word "VISION," I was not referring to " EYE-SIGHT." I was talking about having a " VISION " for your Life ! Ok, so what is a " VISION "anyhow? Glad you asked ! Here's a definition of " VISION " I found to my liking from a book by * George Barna called, " Turning Vision Into Action ." He says," A VISION is a CLEAR and PRECISE " MENTAL PORTRAIT " of a " PREFERABLE " future { imparted by God for his chosen servants },based on an accurate understanding of God, Self, and Circumstances. You see, I strongly feel that before anyone can Create a " VISION " for their life,it is extremely important for them to study, learn,know,and have a very good understanding about Who They Are.They must be able to ask and sufficiently answer the age old question," WHO YOU ARE !" Please remember, when I say," WHO YOU ARE," I'm not just talking about a person's name,job title, career, or profession. I'm also referring to their " Mind, Body, and Soul as well. Before his death, * Myles Munroe said,"Most of us are trying to construct our lives without any real thought or planning. We are like a contractor who is trying to construct a building without a blueprint. As a result, our lives are out of balance and unreliable. We never fulfill the reason for our existence and end up unsatisfied and frustrated." Therefore, in order to make sure we avoid this situation, I believe each individual should put a whole lot of thought, imagination, and planning into " IMAGINING " the ideal " VISION "of the rest of their life! Yes,you can be certain that it will take some very deep thinking and planning, but don't get in a big hurry[ besides, your " VISION "is going to be constantly changing and evolving, just as your life and you will be doing also]. In "NEXT WEEK'S ARTICLE," we will dive into the Thought and Planning Phase of " CRAFTING A VISION." So,Please be sure and return NEXT WEEK, and join us as we wrap up *Part 2 of," I CAN'T SEE, I CAN'T SEE ; IF I KNOCK YA' DOWN..." BY : GO BLANSON [ PLEASE remember to Like my page on FACEBOOK by copying and pasting this Link : on-115049231930571/?fref=hovercard ]

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